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After graduating from Louisiana Tech University in the Spring of 2016, I took on my first Graphic Design position at a shop in Baton Rouge. The work that was supposed to be creative and innovative was reduced to being a customer service representative and placing logos on cups and bags. With frustration growing and constantly clashing with management, my wife and I began to look for an exit strategy and plan ahead to never put ourselves in this position again. Realizing that many companies would be hesitant to hire a fresh out of college creative, we started to plan and brainstorm on how to become a creative agency instead of giving our talent to an existing one and only being paid scraps while earning top dollar for strangers. 


In June 2017 after much planning, sketching and budgeting, Greater Works Gallery was formed. We met our goal of being able to have a business that created solutions. We pride ourselves on being affordable, being about people and giving our clients the best experience they'd never forget. We are constantly expanding and thinking of ways to add new layers to our company as well as how we can give back to our communities and invest in our youth. My wife created a new division of GW called BeautifuLEE Made that is based on women's empowerment through content creation and clothing.


We are so grateful for our journey and so humbled by the constant support from you all. We pray that you feel just as valued as you have made us.

Photos below by @CrownedPhoto 2021

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© 2023 Greater Works Gallery, LLC

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